Children & Youth

Children & Youth @ St. Peter's

We have a thriving Children’s Ministry here at St. Peter’s with a range of activities throughout the week as well as on a Sunday morning. 

Toddlers’ and Children’s Church always start with the same prayer:

‘We meet with our friends dear Lord today, ready to listen, ready to pray. Sharing a story, talking together. Here in our Church, in this …… weather. Amen

Toddlers' Church

Thursday | 10am (term-time only)

Toddlers’ Church is a weekday service dedicated to our preschoolers. The children can bring along their Mums, Dads, carers, Grandparents, brothers and sisters – everyone is always welcome.

Children's Church

Sunday | 10.30am 

Children start in church with their families before heading off to Children’s Church in the marquee.

Pop Along Heroes

Tuesday | 10.30am – 1pm

A supportive playgroup for parents and carers of children with additional needs. 

No diagnosis needed – all are welcome. Parents are also welcome to attend if their children are at school. 


St Peter’s is on the look out for someone new to take on the important role of looking after our youth. We’re really looking forward to getting the youth group back up and running!


Generations is our new intergenerational group set up with the intention of bringing together young and old. 

Together everyone will enjoy a light lunch, meet friends, maybe make some new friends, but most importantly it’s an opportunity to bring together the generations. Not everyone has grandchildren near by, grandparents in the area or simply the opportunity to spend time with people of different ages.

Find out more… here

Open the Book

A Bible story well told has the power to spark the imagination, inspire exploration, give hope, create a smile, teach important lessons and connect generations. We have an amazing team of volunteers who take Open the Book into local schools.

Leaders and Volunteers

Annie Burnham leads the midweek groups and outreach work for children and Clare Rice leads Sunday based Childrens Church. We have an amazing team of dedicated volunteers & together we are excited to help each child along their own personal journey of faith, as they get to know Jesus as their Saviour.

If you are interested in helping out in any area of our Children’s Ministry please do get in touch –