All the believers were one in heart and mind.
No one claimed that any of their possessions was
their own, but they shared everything they had.

Acts 4:32

Giving at St. Peter's

We encourage all Church members to become partners in the vision and work of God’s Church here in Chertsey by inviting everyone to consider how much they give. Whether that is in time and talents or financially is between you and God. Together we’re like a family and to make our church work, we all need to be fully involved. And as a part of God’s family, we are part of an amazing community offering love, support and direction for all in our town.

Your giving will help us to improve our provision for the community, offering baptisms, funerals and weddings, ministry to retired people, babies, children, teenagers and families.

As a Church, we are self-supporting depending on the donations of those who attend to pay for all of our running costs and for the work we do. We do NOT receive any external funding from the Church of England or anywhere else.

Your part in this Church is as important and valuable as anybody else’s. Your offerings of time, service and money do make a difference.

Ways to Give

Standing Order or One Off Gift

The simplest way to give is to set up a standing order with your bank. You are easily in control of what you give. At any time, you can increase it, add additional amounts or cancel. A regular donation allows us to budget and helps with our cash flow forecast. If you wish to give a one off gift as a bank transfer you can use these same details. Don’t forget to fill out a Gift Aid form. Available from the back of church. 

St Peters Church Chertsey



Ref: initial+surname/SPCC

Online & Contactless

Give A Little allows you to make one off donations as well as set up your regular giving. Give A Little will also process your Gift aid donation and accepts all major payment methods. Look out for the QR codes on posters, newsletters and leaflets!

Cash & Cheques

Cash & cheques (made payable to St Peters Church Chertsey) can be given to the Church Office or left in the white money box safe at the back of the Church. 

Gift Aid | Add to your donation

Whatever way we give, if UK taxpayers sign a gift aid form and the giver can be identified, the Church can claim back the tax on the gift from the government!  This adds 25p for every £1 given by gift aid.

Example: You donate £100 to the Church. The Church claims Gift Aid from the government to make your donation £125. That is wise, tax-efficient giving. (If you are a higher rate tax payer you can personally claim back tax on your gift).

A Gift Aid form can be picked up from the Church Office or download here. This should then be returned to the Church Office.

Legacy Giving

Leaving a gift in your will is a practical way of saying “thank you” to God for all the blessings we have enjoyed during our lives. Such giving contributes to the future activities of our Church. 

Inheritance tax can be complicated, and you are advised to seek specialist tax advice if your estate is large or your affairs are complex.

Other Forms of Giving

In addition to gifts of cash and legacies, there are tax advantages available should you wish to donate property or shares to your Church. 

Many people have given generously out of unexpected income, such as inheritances or bonus payments. These payments can be made through the gift aid envelopes available in church or directly to the church office. Cheques should be payable to St Peters Shared Church.

Giving is treated in utmost confidence.

If, for any reason, you are unable to keep to your commitment, that’s between you and God.

Please get in touch with our treasurer if you have questions or you’d like to find out more.

Email – 

Building Project

St Peter’s has been at the heart of Chertsey for over 800 years. Each year we impact thousands of local people through our community engagement and wellbeing initiatives. Our buildings are used daily from first thing in the morning until well into the evening supporting a large number of community organisations.

The current building project will give us a more flexible and comfortable space. But… costs have increased due to delays AND we still have more to do to enable the building to be used throughout the week by a wider range of people and activities.

If you would like to give financially towards our building project the details are:

Sort Code: 60-05-17

Account Number: 19138717

Reference: initial+surname/building or initial+surname/chairs   e.g. JSmith/building

And don’t forget, if you are a taxpayer, please complete a Gift Aid Form to enable us to claim an additional 25% on your donation. 

Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

2 Corinthians 9:7