Women @ St. Peter's

Our Women’s Ministry is an opportunity for women of all ages to get together to encourage each other in faith. The group meets regularly in the Church, to enjoy worship and prayer, testimonies and faith stories, refreshments and fellowship and everyone is very welcome.

To find out more contact – sue.phillips@stpeterschertsey.org.uk

Upcoming dates...

Dates for your diary –

Sunday 15th October
Sunday 3rd December

We had a fabulous evening in June, getting creative! 

Guided expertly by Heather, we spent time learning some new and creative ways we can respond to God, to a favourite bible verse or story.

It really was a lot of fun and something many people have said they’d love to do again. Check out some of our creations…

Supporting the Runnymead Foodbank

Whenever we meet we ask whoever is able to bring a food or toiletry item that we can pass onto the Foodbank. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. You can find out what they are most in need of on their website