Church Online

The Covid 19 pandemic saw us developing a strong online presence for Sunday worship and mid week.

Hundreds joined us each week from Chertsey and way beyond. Though we continued with our online service provision post pandemic we have had to pause it due the building project. 

To get a flavour of our usual 10.30 service you can check out some of our past services over on our YouTube channel.


So, what happens after death?

Passage 2 Cor 5:1-10

Speaker Canon Tim Hillier

Service 10.30 service


Joyful Generosity

Passage 2 Cor 9:6-15

Speaker Rev Anna Norton

Service 10.30 Harvest service


The rich man and Lazarus

Passage Luke 16:19-31

Speaker Rev Sue Phillips

Service 10.30am Informal Service


In memory of HM the late Queen Elizabeth II

Passage Luke 15:1-10

Speaker Rev Anna Norton

Service 10.30am Informal Service


The cost of being a disciple

Passage Luke 14:25-33

Speaker Canon Tim Hillier