Safeguarding is taken very seriously at St. Peter’s Church Chertsey
As a community we want everyone, adults and children, to be secure and safe. Safeguarding is the responsibility of everyone. However, it is overseen by the key people below who, with the PCC, ensure that the church’s safeguarding policy is in adherence to that of the Diocese of Guildford and that of the Church of England’s House of Bishops’ promoting a ‘Safer Church Safeguarding Policy Statement’. These can be found on their respective websites.
Mr Ron Howell (Safeguarding Officer)
- 07966 563225
Jan Alexander & Dave Phillips (Church Wardens)
- 01932 570155
In all areas of our work whether with children or adults we adhere to strict guidelines with staff (employed or volunteer) undergoing DBS checks from the point of recruitment at regular intervals.
If you are concerned that a child or adult is, or maybe, at risk from abuse this should be reported immediately (and certainly within 24 hours) to the church’s Safeguarding Officer.